Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year!

Oh my....what happened to December!

Happy New Year everyone.....I hope that 2009 is good to you! I am glad to put 2008 behind us....a lot of mixed emotions and quite a few struggles - but my chin is craft room is (almost) tidy and I am ready for what lies ahead!

This is a big year for little Freya....first up she is starting a new Nursery on Monday as we have had a few changes and then in the Summer she will start Primary School. OMGosh I can hardly belive it - my wee angel at school! Keep all babies away from me in case I get all broody!

Here is a photo of the girls all set for their Christmas Dinner at a special table for 2 at Granny & Grandads house - they were so spoilt!

Got a lot of crafty projects on my table needing attention....hope to be able to share in a bit - but first I feel a baking spree coming on!